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Are you looking for Brake Service for your vehicle?

Brakes can save lives - but only if they work perfectly. The experts at Mill Tyres in Boston will check the braking system of your car quickly and competently.
The inspection of the brake system is carried out safely and reliably by our experienced staff. We check:
Brake power of the brake system
- Brake fluid
- Brake lining thickness
- Disc thickness
Grinding, scrubbing or low brake fluid level - all signs of worn brakes. The following information can help you to find out when it's time to change brake discs and brake pads.
If you have any concerns, please get in touch with us.
- Brakes at the limit
If the brake symbol is showing on the dashboard, the brake pads are worn out.
No question, at some point the brake pads and the discs will be worn out.
This is why we at the Mill Tyres workshop check your vehicle's brake system during every service and tyre change. Brake pads should be renewed latest once they are below two millimetres of residue, drum brake jaws at the latest at one millimetre. Today, almost all cars are equipped with wear signs on disc brake linings. These can work electrically and light up in the dashboard or even mechanically, whereby a metal pin starts scratching loudly at the disc when the wear limit is reached. The shrieking noise it makes when braking, is the ultimate "message" to visit the workshop.
The costs for the brake service are mainly dependent on the wear parts to be replaced. If only the front brake pads are changed, this is naturally more favourable than the exchange including brake discs. The size of the brake discs and pads and the car model also play a role. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes per wheel to change the pads. If the discs must also be changed, it will certainly take a bit longer.
Grinding or shaking? That could be the cause!
On brake discs and drums, there are recorded data visible on permissible minimum thicknesses and maximum diameters. As a rule, two or three millimetres of wear are permissible before these parts have to be replaced. Important: With increasing wear on the brake, the brake fluid level in the tank also drops. Nevertheless, you should not fill it, as long as it has not reached the minimum. Otherwise, the container will run when the workshop is installing new linings and putting all the brakes on top. Problematic: Regardless of the degree of wear of the brake components, unpleasant side effects can occur during deceleration. This includes the scratching, so when the brake is applied differently, the brake is affected by a wheel revolution. The shaking is often also noticeable on the steering wheel or even on the brake pedal and is not only annoying but also detrimental to the entire wheel suspension. The causes can vary, ranging from rust on the brake disc after prolonged parking in the rain to warping due to overheating or as a side effect of a bent wheel hub.
While rust can still be "braked off" in the initial stage during normal use, but if there is any suspicion that there are any parts bent etc., the workshop so it can be checked with a dial gauge. Some vehicle types also tend to get extremely rusty brake discs on the rear axle. As funny as it sounds, the cause is too careful driving, with only gentle braking the pads are hardly pressed against the discs and cannot eradicate rust and dirt. Therefore, if the traffic situation permits, you can get on the pedal between quietly and forcefully. Light scratching noise in the morning is normal because the humidity over night covers the friction surfaces with a touch of surface rust. On the other hand, continuous noise, possibly even without pushing the brake, is a case for the workshop. This also applies when the car pulls to one side when braking. Because this does not necessarily have to be the brake, often also landing gear parts are knocked out. Anyone who has this suspicion should feel whether a rim is significantly warmer than the opposite.
We hope this information was helpful.
So if you want your vehicle's brake system checked, just let us know.
Brake repair at Mill Tyres Boston